1: Display network configuration
2: Display debugging information
3: Display information about an IP address or a hostname
4: Display information about an Ethernet address
5: Obtain Ethernet addresses of computers in an IP list
6: Display how to reach an IP address
7: Sniff
8: Sniff and display open ports
9: Sniff and display Ethernet addresses
10: Sniff and display network statistics
11: Sniff and verify checksums
12: Display which values to use for netwox parameters
13: Obtain DLT type for sniff and spoof for each device
14: Spoof
15: Display content of a record
16: Convert a record
17: Recompute checksums of packets in a record
18: Reassemble IP packets of a record, and reorder TCP flow
19: Extract a range of packets from a record
20: Search for strings in packets from a record
21: Convert a number
22: Convert a string
23: Display ASCII table
24: Convert IP addresses ranges
25: Test if a directory is secure
26: Dump a file
27: Compute MD5 of a file
28: Convert a file to a record (permit to easily edit)
29: Convert a record to a file
30: Convert a file from unix to dos
31: Convert a file from dos to unix
32: Spoof Ethernet
33: Spoof EthernetArp
34: Spoof EthernetIp4
35: Spoof EthernetIp4Udp
36: Spoof EthernetIp4Tcp
37: Spoof EthernetIp4Icmp4
38: Spoof Ip4
39: Spoof Ip4Udp
40: Spoof Ip4Tcp
41: Spoof Ip4Icmp4
42: Spoof of various samples : fragment
43: Spoof of various samples : fragment, ip4opt:noop
44: Spoof of various samples : fragment, ip4opt:rr
45: Spoof of various samples : fragment, ip4opt:lsrr
46: Spoof of various samples : fragment, ip4opt:ts
47: Spoof of various samples : fragment, ip4opt:ipts
48: Spoof of various samples : fragment, ip4opt:ippts
49: Ping ICMP
50: Ping ICMP (EthIP spoof)
51: Ping TCP
52: Ping TCP (EthIp spoof)
53: Ping UDP
54: Ping UDP (EthIp spoof)
55: Ping ARP
56: Ping ARP (EthIp spoof)
57: Traceroute ICMP
58: Traceroute ICMP (EthIP spoof)
59: Traceroute TCP
60: Traceroute TCP (EthIp spoof)
61: Traceroute UDP
62: Traceroute UDP (EthIp spoof)
63: Traceroute on a specified IP protocol
64: Traceroute on a specified IP protocol (EthIp spoof)
65: Scan ICMP
66: Scan ICMP (EthIP spoof)
67: Scan TCP
68: Scan TCP (EthIp spoof)
69: Scan UDP
70: Scan UDP (EthIp spoof)
71: Scan ARP
72: Scan ARP (EthIp spoof)
73: Simulate presence of a/several computer/s (arp and ping)
74: Flood a host with random fragments
75: Fill table of a switch using a flood of Ethernet packets
76: Synflood
77: Check if seqnum are predictible
78: Reset every TCP packet
79: Acknowledge every TCP SYN
80: Periodically send ARP replies
81: Send an ICMP4 timestamp
82: Sniff and send ICMP4/6 destination unreachable
83: Sniff and send ICMP4/6 time exceeded
84: Sniff and send ICMP4/6 parameter problem
85: Sniff and send ICMP4 source quench
86: Sniff and send ICMP4/6 redirect
87: TCP client
88: UDP client
89: TCP server
90: UDP server
91: TCP server echoing data
92: UDP server multiclients
93: TCP backdoor server
94: TCP backdoor client (exec)
95: TCP backdoor client (get file)
96: TCP backdoor client (put file)
97: SYSLOG client
98: Flood a host with syslog messages
99: TELNET client
100: TELNET client executing one or several commands
101: Brute force telnet client
102: Query a DNS server
103: Obtain version of a Bind DNS server
104: DNS server always answering same values
105: Sniff and send DNS answers
106: Send an email
107: Post a newsgroup message
108: List newsgroups available on a server
109: Download one, or more, newsgroup messages
110: Ethernet bridge limiting flow
111: FTP listing a directory
112: FTP client : get a file
113: FTP client : put a file
114: FTP client : del a file
115: FTP client : get a directory recursively
116: FTP client : put a directory recursively
117: FTP client : del a directory recursively
125: HTTP server
126: HTTP backdoor server
127: Cypher/decypher a file using a xor
128: Split a file in smaller chunks
129: Reassemble chunks of a file
130: Brute force ftp client
131: Brute force http client (site password)
132: Brute force http client (proxy password)
133: Convert an url
134: Obtain urls in a HMTL file
135: Convert urls in a HMTL file to absolute urls
136: Web download (http://... or ftp://...)
137: Create a sample configuration file for web spider
138: Web spider
139: Web spider on command line
140: Spoof EthernetIp6
141: Spoof EthernetIp6Udp
142: Spoof EthernetIp6Tcp
143: Spoof EthernetIp6Icmp6
144: Spoof Ip6
145: Spoof Ip6Udp
146: Spoof Ip6Tcp
147: Spoof Ip6Icmp6
148: Ping ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery
149: Ping ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery (EthIp spoof)
150: Scan ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery
151: Scan ICMP6 Neighbor Discovery (EthIp spoof)
152: Interactive IRC client
153: IRC client listing channels
154: IRC client listening on a channel
155: Network performance measurement : TCP server
156: Network performance measurement : TCP client
157: Network performance measurement : UDP server
158: Network performance measurement : UDP client
159: SNMP Get
160: SNMP Walk
161: SNMP Trap
162: SNMP Trap2
163: SNMP Inform
164: SNMP Set
165: TFTP client : get a file
166: TFTP client : put a file
167: TFTP server
168: FTP server
169: Display simple network configuration easy to parse
170: TELNET server
171: DHCP client
172: List articles range of a newsgroup
173: Download overview of one, or more, newsgroup messages
174: FTP client : get a file and check its MD5
175: Web download (http://... or ftp://...) and check its MD5
176: TFTP client : get a file and check its MD5
177: Check if a SMTP server is up
178: Check if an IRC server is up
179: DHCP client requesting an INFORM