I suggest you to read this document and to run each command in order to understand how to use netwox. Note that you have to adapt device names, IP addresses and Ethernet addresses for them to work on your computers.

Preliminary notes

Netwox needs, for some tools, the be run with administrator privileges.

Netwox currently only supports Ethernet/PPP networks for low level actions (sniff, spoof). However, every kind of network is supported for high level actions (clients, servers, etc.).


This documentation covers netwox, which is a command line utility. Netwag is a graphical front end to netwox. It has some advantages such as easy parameter selection (open netwag, double-click on a tool (for example 7), and a form appears for easy generation of parameters)

Help mode

Netwox help mode allows users to select the exact tool they need.
Here is one example of tool selection :
# netwox
########## MAIN MENU
 0 - leave netwox
 3 - search tools
 a + information
 b + network protocol
 c + application protocol
 d + sniff
 e + spoof
 f + record
 g + client
 h + server
 i + tools not related to network
 j + administrators' tools
 k + attack tools
Select a node (key in 03abcdefghijk): d
########## sniff
 0 - leave netwox
 1 - go to main menu
 2 - go to previous menu
 3 - search tools
 a - 7:Sniff
 b - 10:Sniff and display network statistics
 c - 11:Sniff and verify checksums
 d - 13:Obtain DLT type for sniff and spoof for each device
Select a node (key in 0123abcd)> a

Here is how to use this tool:
Title: Sniff
Usage: netwox 7 [-d device] [-f filter] [-r] [-p] [-i] [-t] [-s] [-H encode] [-D
 encode] [-o file_dst] [-R recordencode] [-c uint32] [-C uint32]
 Name                           Description (defaultvalue)
 --help                         display this help
 --kbd                          ask missing parameters from keyboard
 --argfile file                 ask missing parameters from file
 -d|--device device             device name (Eth0)
 -f|--filter filter             pcap filter ()
 -r|--rawip|+r|--no-rawip       sniff at IP level (0)
 -p|--pause|+p|--no-pause       can pause (0)
 -i|--ipreas|+i|--no-ipreas     reassemble IP packets (0)
 -t|--tcpreord|+t|--no-tcpreord reorder TCP packets (0)
 -s|--screen|+s|--no-screen     display to screen (1)
 -H|--hdrencode encode          header encoding type for screen (array)
 -D|--dataencode encode         data encoding type for screen (dump)
 -o|--outfile file_dst          save in record file (dstfile.txt)
 -R|--recordencode recordencode encoding type for record file (bin)
 -c|--split-size uint32         maximum size of record in kb (0)
 -C|--split-age uint32          maximum age of record in seconds (0)
Example: netwox 7
Now, some examples are described. If they do not correspond to your needs, use the help mode to find the appropriate one.

Main usage

The main syntax is :
# netwox toolnumber toolparameters
For example :
# netwox 3 www.microsoft.com
To obtain help about a tool, run :
# netwox 3 --help

Tool 1 : local configuration

# netwox 1
################################### Devices ###################################
nu dev   ethernet_hwtype   mtu   real_device_name
1  Lo0   loopback          1500  Loopback
2  Eth0  00:01:01:01:01:01 1500  \Device\3COM
##################################### IP ######################################
nu ip             /netmask                    ppp point_to_point_with
1      /                  0
2    /              0
############################## ArpCache/Neighbor #############################
nu ethernet          ip
2  00:01:01:01:01:01
2  00:02:02:02:02:02
#################################### Routes ###################################
nu destination    /netmask         source              gateway           metric
1      / local                                      0
2    / local                                      0
2    /                                0
2        /          1
In this example, we see the loopback device (Lo0), and network card Eth0 (whose real name is \Device\3COM).
The arp table contains permanent entries, and the dynamic entry for the router
The routing table first contains entries to access local devices, then network connected to the local devices, and finally the default router

Tool 3 : print information about a hostname

# netwox 3 host1
IP address:
Hostname:    host1
Hostnames:   host1
Eth address: 00:01:01:01:01:01
This tool obtains the IP address of host1.
Moreover, if host1 is on the LAN, we obtain its Ethernet address.
Here is another example :
# netwox 3
IP address:
Hostname:    host1
Hostnames:   host1
Eth address: 00:01:01:01:01:01

Tool 87 : real tcp client

# netwox 87 21
220 host2 FTP server
221 Goodbye.
This tool is a tcp client. This commands permits to connect on the FTP server on port 21 at address This command is equivalent to "telnet 21".
Here is another example downloading a web page (port 80 of www.server.com) :
# netwox 87 www.server.com 80
GET / HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 08:43:27 GMT
Data from keyboard or network can also be encoded or decoded :
# netwox 87 21 -encode "dump"
32 32 30 20  46 54 50 20  0d 0a                        # 220 FTP..
32 32 31 20  47 6f 6f 64  62 79 65 2e  0d 0a           # 221 Goodbye...

Tool 87 : virtual tcp client

When tool 87 is called with a device, a source/destination address, it will act as a virtual client.
A real client/server uses IP address and Ethernet address of the current computer (they are classical sockets).
A virtual client/server uses spoofed IP address and Ethernet address. For example, a virtual tcp client behaves like this :
  - spoof a syn packet
  - sniff the syn-ack from the server
  - spoof a ack packet to terminate the handshake
  - then, it behaves exactly like a real client

In order to create a virtual client connecting on a server (for example connecting on port 25 of located on the LAN, you have to :
  - know the local device name to use (can be obtained with "netwox 1"). For example Eth0.
  - choose one false Ethernet address to use. For example aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff.
  - know the ethernet address of the computer (netwox 3 For example 00:02:02:02:02:02.
  - choose one false IP address (it should not be used by another computer). For example
  - choose a random port. For example 1234.
Here is this example :
# 87 -d "Eth0" -E "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff " -e "00:02:02:02:02:02" -I "" -i "" -p "25"

In order to create a virtual client connecting on a server (for example connecting on port 25 of not located on the LAN, you have to :
  - know the local device name to use (can be obtained with "netwox 1"). For example eth0.
  - choose one false Ethernet address to use. For example aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff.
  - know the ethernet address of the router (netwox 3 For example 00:FE:FE:FE:FE:FE.
  - choose one false IP address (it should not be used by another computer). For example
  - choose a random port. For example 1234.
Here is this example :
# 87 -d "Eth0" -E "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff " -e "00:FE:FE:FE:FE:FE" -I "" -i "" -p "25"

Two simple modes for virtual clients were presented. Depending on your needs, they can be adapted.

Tool 89 : real tcp server

This tool creates a listening tcp server. It can be used to communicate between two computers.
For example, computer host1 can run tool 89, and computer host2 can run tool 87. In this example, we choose to listen on port 1234 :
On host1 :                           On host2, then run :
# netwox 89 1234
                                     # netwox 87 host1 1234
_write_ Hello _newline_
                                     _write_ Hi _newline_
                                     _write_ Hola _newline_

Tool 7 : sniff packets and display them

This tool displays packets of the network. You have to select the device on which to intercept packets.
# netwox 7
 | 00:01:01:01:01:01 vers 00:02:02:02:02:02         type : 0x0800        |
 |version |  ihl   |       tos       |              totlen               |
 |___ 4___|___ 5___|_______  0_______|____________0054h=   84____________|
 |                id                 |xxDfMf         fragoffset          |
 |____________061Dh= 1565____________|0_0_0__________0000h=    0_________|
 |       ttl       |    protocol     |          header checksum          |
 |_____40h= 64_____|_____01h=  1_____|_______________DF38h_______________|
 |                                source                                 |
 |                              destination                              |
 ICMP_(echo request)_____________________________________________________.
 |      type       |      code       |             checksum              |
 |_____08h=  8_____|_____00h=  0_____|____________2829h=10281____________|
 65 01 01 00  91 04 40 3C  AC 91 01 00  08 09 0A 0B     # e.....@<........

Generally, on network with a lot of flow, sniff intercepts too much packets. If you want to restrict sniffed packet, use a filter.
Basic item of a bpf filter are :
  net 192.168.10
  net mask
  port 21
  dst host
  src port 2345
  ether host a:b:c:d:e:f ("ether a:b:c:d:e:f" is not working)
  ether src aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
Here are filter examples :
  net 192.168 and icmp
  host or dst port 80
  (udp or tcp) and not host
Now, just an example with a filter :
# netwox 7 -f "host"

Tool 7 : sniff packets and save them in a record

Sometimes, we want to sniff packet and to save them in a file (a "record").
# netwox 7 -p -o thefile -R "mixed_wrap"
Press q to exit. Press p to pause.

Tool 15 : display a record

With tool 7, we've saved Ethernet data in the file 'thefile'. This tool permits to display its contents.
# netwox 15 -f thefile

Tool 14 : spoof a record

We can also resend data of a record :
# netwox 15 -f thefile
Generally, we want to modify data before resending it. So, the file has to be edited. The procedure is quite simple :
  - edit thefile to change the packets
  - use tool 15 to ensure packets are correctly modified
  - use tool 14 to send new packets

Tool 36 : {Ethernet,IP,TCP} spoof specified by user

This example spoofs a SYN packet :
# netwox 36 -d "Eth0" -a "1:2:3:4:5:6" -b "7:8:9:a:b:c" -l "" -m "" -o "1234" -p "80" -C
| 01:02:03:04:05:06->07:08:09:0A:0B:0C type:0x0800                      |
|version |  ihl   |       tos       |              totlen               |
|                id                 |  DfMf          offsetfrag         |
|       ttl       |    protocol     |             checksum              |
|                                source                                 |
|                              destination                              |
|            source port            |         destination port          |
|                                seqnum                                 |
|                                acknum                                 |
|  doff  |reserved CwEcUrAc PsRsSyFi|              window               |
|             checksum              |              urgptr               |

Tool 59 : tcp traceroute

The traceroute tool list routers located on the way to go to a computer.
For example, with the following architecture, computer has to go through two routers before reaching :
 ,____.    ,________.    ,________.    ,____.
 | 192|    |192  192|    |192  192|    |192 |
 | 168|____|168  168|____|168  168|____|168 |
 |   1|    |1     20|    |20    30|    |30  |
 |   1|    |254    1|    |2      1|    |2   |
 `----'    `--------'    `--------'    `----'
Tool 59 traces route to reach a computer with an open tcp port. For example, to reach computer with a web server (port 80), with a limit of 30 hops :
# netwox 59 -p 80 -t 30
  1 :
  2 :
  3 :
Destination reached.
If we use a closed port, we obtain :
# netwox 59 -p 81 -t 30
  1 :
  2 :
  3 :
Destination reached.
Note : the TCP port 81 is closed (a reset was received).
If computer is unreachable, we obtain :
# netwox 59 -p 80 -t 30
  1 :
  2 :
  3 : : destination unreachable - host
  4 : : destination unreachable - host
If the number of hops is too small, we obtain :
# netwox 59 -p 81 -t 2
  1 :
  2 :
maxttl(2) was too short to reach the destination

Tool 49 : icmp ping

This tool checks if a computer can be reached.
If the computer is on the LAN, we obtain it's Ethernet address :
# netwox 49

Tool 73 : answer to ARP/ping request for a computer

Tool 73 simulate the presence of a computer.
For example, to simulate the computer with Ethernet address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff, enter :
# netwox 73 -i aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
Then, from another computer, enter :
# ping
# netwox 49

Tool 67 : scan of IP range, for TCP port range

Sometimes, we do not know which ports are open on a computer. This tools scans a computer and lists open TCP ports.
For example, to scan tcp ports between 20 and 25 of :
# netwox 67 -i -p 20-25 - 21 : open - 22 : open - 10 : timeout

Tool 30 : convert a file from dos to unix

Then end of line of Windows and Unix are different. Tool 30 is a utility to convert files :
# netwox 30 filein fileout

Using Tcl scripting language

Sometimes, we want to use netwox tools in a loop. Under Unix, this can be done using a Shell or Perl script. Under Windows the Tcl language is often the only available solution (Tcl is installed if you installed netwag, which is recommended under Windows).
Here is a sample Tcl script :
for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
  puts "\nTesting $i"
  set ipad "192.168.0.$i"
  if [catch {exec netwox 3 $ipad} data] {
    puts "Error during exec : $data"
  } else {
    puts $data


Other tools are described here. If you've carefully read current document, you should be able to use them.


Toolbox netwox is available at :
http://www.laurentconstantin.com/en/netw/ (main server)
http://go.to/laurentconstantin/ (backup server)
http://laurentconstantin.est-la.com/ (backup server)